
It was -4∘F this morning when I went out to the barn to feed and water the animals. A bit chilly, you might say, but since the sun is out and the sky is blue, I thought I might shelve my uncharitable attitude toward winter, if only temporarily, and make an honest attempt to appreciate the glories of a snowy day. So - I trudged around the farm until I could no longer feel my toes, marveled at frozen stuff and snapped a bunch of photos, which I now share with you (provided my ISP & Blogger cooperate):

The ladies want no part of whatever that white stuff is lying on the ground, as evidenced by the empty run this morning.

Deer tracks! Nice to see they're about.

Ice crystals along the pond.

Snow covered log near the pond, near the woods.

Snow-covered branch, lying on the ground.

And finally, the barn in winter.

That was fun! And so is this:

Which is where I retire to regain feeling in my extremities. And no, I don't like white walls, but who has time to paint?

Long live winter! (As long as it doesn't live too long.)

EDIT: I see that I failed to mention a very intriguing experience I had the other evening as I was walking out to the barn to check on the animals (we do this before we go to sleep, it's kind of become our custom). I heard an owl! I checked with my son, who had worked with wildlife at a rehabilitation center for nearly two years, and apparently the "hoo-hoo-hoo" call I heard is characteristic of a Great Horned Owl.
So! Score two points (there is one, or more likely a pair of them in the area, and I got to hear one calling).

I had taken this photo a couple of months prior, but decided to post it here, because I like it.


Char at: January 20, 2012 at 3:26 PM said...

-30 here. Just saying. :)

We've actually had a mild winter up until the last two weeks. And it's January, so hey. This is the time it should be cold.

Holly at: January 20, 2012 at 7:20 PM said...

-30 Celsius, which is what, -15 or -20∘F? (My powers of conversion fail me.) That's awful. I remember a winter when I still lived in Michigan; the temp fell to -25∘F. The wind chill factor was some absurd number.

The air itself seemed too brittle to breathe.

We've had a great autumn/winter so far. Hopefully things will moderate within the next few days.

True, this is when it should be cold in this part of the world, yet that has never stopped me from deploring cold weather. ;)

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