Time Out For...


...some really yummy stuff.

As in...freshly picked, and I mean right off the vine, tomatoes, of all varieties (red, orange, purple and yellow), beautiful Heirlooms, roasted with smoked French Sea Salt with red wine and juniper, basil and/or oregano, garlic and a drizzle of real olive oil.

I must have roasted, bagged and frozen 10 - 15 large pans of these beauties. They will form the basis for some delicious sauces and soups over the winter months. The bounty of fresh food this autumn has been amazing, and humbling; the ritual of the harvest, of gathering food and preserving it for later use connects one to the earth in such a way that one tends to reflect; in my case, upon the Creator as the One who sustains all that is needful for food to grow. (Yes, I know there is famine; I know there is and has been drought, but there is also abundance, abundance that ought to spill over to fill the baskets of those whose harvests have been slim. It's shameful that what arises in people's hearts to do so often does not, cannot take shape because of policy or the political jockeying of men and women who lay claim to authority. I mean...just TRY to give away surplus crops if you're a farmer in this country. See what happens. Likewise, so much food sent to those who need it so often becomes a weapon in the hands of those whose aim is Power and the subjugation of their fellow human beings.)

Friends of mine who are expert in the craft of canning generously filled some jars with sauce, salsa and soup; they are in a place of honor in my pantry. I also have sauerkraut fermenting naturally on my counter top;  I estimate it will be ready right around New Year's Eve (and it will probably be spectacular). And if all goes well, I should see some northern high bush blueberry plants arriving by mail to be planted in the ground before the end of the month.

I am truly grateful to God for this incredible bounty and for the neighbors and friends who have shared so freely and generously with us.Would that we should all love our neighbors so.


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