I Hesitate To Post This...

...I mean, this one really is not very far along. The image of the cat is only a placeholder at this point; the head is barely sketched in, the body is indicated with a couple of pencil strokes and I've paid no attention to what it actually looks like - yet. The boy's clothing has no detail - right now it merely looks lumpy. The face is forming, but much is left to do.

The problem with posting (or showing anyone at all) incomplete work is that people have a tendency to look at it, see the areas that will be corrected as the drawing progresses and say "hmm, well, isn't that nice."

But it isn't finished!

This one will be, and relatively soon, so I can complete other work pending (a portrait of a German Shepherd, a mandala, and a mosaic), so if you check back in a couple of weeks, I promise it will look very different than it does today.

I should add that, like most people, I tend to be blind to some (or many) of my own shortcomings. I am, however, cognizant of the fact that I am abysmally inadequate when it comes to photographing art.

Not that anyone needed me to point that out.

So there's that.

One view.

A detail view. (By the way, it just took me nearly a half hour to upload this photo. Can you say annoying?)


Char at: January 22, 2012 at 10:27 AM said...

Going to link Rey to this so we can both be jealous and h8.

Unknown at: January 26, 2012 at 7:16 PM said...

I am exceedingly jealous. I would totally sign this, frame it, and be duly proud.

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