Getting Underway...Finally


I must preface this post by stating that I tried, repeatedly, and failed as many times as I tried, to upload a moderately-sized image file this evening. The results may be seen above, and since the photo in question appears as though it has partially been 'through the looking-glass,' I suppose anyone with any interest will have to peer at it in order to make out what it is about. Annoying.

This is because either Blogger is slow or Windstream, my ISP, is slow (and Windstream is very slow), however, it would seem that one of the two (or both) is boasting upload speeds that rival two-neutrino double-beta decay. Hah. Look that one up.

Anyway, I'll try to fix the image, but it's late and I'm tired. So this is it for now.

2/8 - Trying again:
Could it be? It worked?

Getting back to the REASON I decided to update this blog:

The subject of tonight's brief post is...newspaper pots. They are an inexpensive way to start your seeds, and very earth-friendly into the bargain, as newsprint degrades easily (use newspaper printed with soy-based inks wherever possible). When the time comes to transplant your seedlings, simply open up the bottom of the newspaper pot so that the roots of your plants have access to freshly tilled (and amended) garden soil, and plant the entire parcel. A snap!

I included my seed packets in the photo because I'm quite over the moon about the wide variety of non-GMO/Heirloom vegetables, herbs and flowers still available to gardeners. I have created a database to track the performance of each variety of tomato, carrot, eggplant, etc., from seed sowing to harvest, a project that contains within it a host of lessons in nurturing and husbandry yet unlearned. I am looking forward to not only evaluating outcomes, but to discoveries, delights and even frustrations as the footpath through a new experience is revealed (or reveals itself). As I think I have mentioned, I have always gardened, but this will be my first year to do so on such a large scale. I hope I am attentive.

Newspaper pots:
Fold newspaper or newsprint in half lengthwise, and lay a medium-sized can along the edge. Ignore my camera; it likes to blur everything, regardless of setting.

Roll up the newspaper using the can as a guide.

Press newspaper against the bottom of the can along the seam.

Continue to press the newspaper against the bottom of the can until the newspaper pot also has a bottom. Optional: I use a small piece of scotch tape (which I will remove before planting) to join the seams and for additional strength on the bottom of the newspaper pot. Tip: I also turn the can right side up and press down into the newspaper pot to flatten the inside bottom before I remove the can.

See how easy that is? You can place them in flats (I use box lids lined with plastic, shallow boxes, all kinds of things), fill 1/2 to 2/3 of the way with soil, and start your seeds. Place in a spot where there is plenty of natural light, and watch life take hold in the good earth.


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