
Not A Post About Art, But...

Yesterday the ladies met their prince! The timeline had to be moved up due to rapidly diminishing space in the holding pen where the girls were living (they are growing very quickly), so, in the pouring rain (naturally, me being me), I moved my little ladies, one by one, into the coop, taking time after each relocation to evaluate the new living/relationship dynamic. I wasn't sure how "S" would react to the wholesale invasion of his bachelor space by 24 females, but so far he has been a stellar roo. Initially he looked shocked, then confused, but he quickly shifted into protector mode. When a little Barred Rock timidly ventured into the run, he bustled out after her.

The ladies, for their part, made themselves quite at home. They moved in, redecorated a bit, took over "S's" favorite spot on the roost and even pecked at him a little. By evening everyone was in the run, playing and running about and "S" was busy overseeing his new charges.

So far, so good.


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